

In this question type, you are requied to choose true/false.

Sample quiz

How to create a quiz
You can create a question using text or Excel.
  • text
  • Excel
The first line should contain a question sentence, "true-false:" for the second line, and the third line should contain "true" if the question sentence is correct, or "false" if incorrect. Add a blank line between each question. In the following example, the first sentence is "Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation." You can add a description by separating with "|" right after "true" or "false."
1) The world's three greatest delicacies are "foie gras, caviar, and truffles true-false true 2) Regarding national holidays, May 3 is "Greenery Day true-false: false false 3) "Tanakara-botamochi" means "unexpected good fortune". true-false: false true 4) Ryunosuke Akutagawa's masterpiece, "Rashomon", is about Kandata, a man who falls into hell. true-false: false false 5) Oysters are also called the pineapples of the sea true-false: false false
To create questions in tabular format, write "#format:table" at the top of the file. 1 question corresponds to 1 line. Each line contains the question text, "true-false:", and correct/incorrect, separated by tabs. Click here to see a sample. true-false.xlsx
A b C d
1 #format:table
2 #messages_intro:Erratum
3 #shuffle_questions:true
4 #mode:master
5 #lang:en
6 1) Thomas Alva Edison developed electric power generation.  180 degree true
7 2) Albert Einstein invented X ray. 180 degree false
8 3) The author of "The Merchant of Venice" is William Shakespeare. 180 degree true
9 4) Sharks are classified as mammals. 180 degree false
10 5) Oysters are known as the pineapples of the sea. 180 degree false