• give an explanation for your answer

How to set up QuizGenerator's explanation

QuizGenerator can display explanations (feedback) according to learners' answers. There are 3 ways to specify the commentary. In this article, I'll show you how to set up explanations.

Three types of designation methods 設定1.どの選択肢を選んでも、一律の解説を表示する 設定2.正解時と誤答時で異なる解説を表示 設定3.選択肢ごとの個別の解説を表示する


Setting 1: Show the same explanation for all the choices.

If you write a sentence at the end of the first choice, it will be displayed as an explanation after the answer.
北海道 sa: 札幌市|北海道の道庁所在地は札幌です。 函館市 帯広市 苫小牧市
If you write a sentence at the end of the first answer choice, it will be displayed as an explanation after the answer. In the above case, Sapporo is the capital of Hokkaido no matter which answer you choose. In the above case, Sapporo is the capital of Hokkaido.  

Setting 2: Show different explanations for correct and wrong answers.

If you write sentences separated by "|" at the end of the first and second choice, the first sentence will be displayed as a commentary when you answer correctly, and the second one will be displayed when choosing an incorrect answer.
北海道 sa: 札幌市|正解です! 函館市|北海道の道庁所在地は札幌です。 帯広市 苫小牧市
In the above case, if you select Sapporo, the correct answer, the message "You have the correct answer! and if you choose wrong answer, "Sapporo is the capital of Hokkaido. If you choose the wrong answer, "Sapporo is the capital of Hokkaido.  

Setting 3: Show individual explanations for each choice.

If you write a sentence at the end of every choice, separated by "|", a different commentary will be shown for each choice.
北海道 sa: 札幌市|正解です! 函館市|1934年までは道内最大の都市だったそうですが、道庁は存在しません。 帯広市|帯広は十勝地方の中心としですが、道庁は存在しません。 苫小牧市|道内5番目の都市ですが、道庁は存在しません。
In the above case, if you choose Sapporo, the correct answer, it will say "Correct answer! and if you choose Hakodate, the answer is "Hakodate was the largest city in Hokkaido until 1934, but it does not have a provincial government office. If you select Obihiro City, the answer will be "Obihiro is the center of the Tokachi region, but it does not have a provincial government office. When Tomakomai City is selected, "Tomakomai is the fifth largest city in Hokkaido, but there is no Hokkaido Prefectural Government. will be displayed.  

How to set up explanations when creating a question text in tabular format

To create questions in tabular format, write "#format:table" at the beginning of the file. 1 question corresponds to 1 line. Each row contains a tab-delimited list of questions, correct answers and wrong answers.

In the first question of the following example, the problem text is "Hokkaido", the correct answer is "Sapporo", and the incorrect answers are "Hakodate", "Obihiro" and "Tomakomai".

A b C d e f
1 #format:table
2 #title:Specify Language
3 Choose the capital city of Japan. true-false: Tokyo|Correct! Osaka|Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. Kobe|Kobe has one of the biggest ports in Japan.  Kyoto|Kyoto is famous for traditional Japanese culture.